I believe that God has prompted today’s Message From Heaven, to remind… or to teach you, about what often happens to people who have sensed the leading of God, and then step out in faith. Once they step out in obedience, they get clobbered by the enemy. Has this ever occurred in your life?

Did that attack then cause you to lose your focus on God’s Word and miss the victory? Satan doesn’t want to see you victorious. When he sees faith taking action, he immediately tries to get your eyes off of the promises of God. How does he do that?

“And these are the ones by the wayside where the word is sown. When they hear, Satan comes immediately and takes away the word that was sown in their hearts” Mark 4:15.

Satan can’t get you to stop focusing on the Word of God, unless he creates circumstances in the natural realm that distract you. His goal is to get your natural senses engaged—primarily your eyes, your ears and what you feel.

These are the areas through which he can attack. Then he’ll make the circumstances around you pitch and roll like a rowboat in a hurricane. He’ll create doubt, fear and cause trouble. He’ll do anything he can to get you to focus on your natural surroundings instead of on the Word of God—because he knows that if he doesn’t get your faith to drop, you could take God’s Word, defeat him, and accomplish the thing God put in your heart.

Let’s look at a classic example of this scenario from God’s Word. In Matthew 14:27-32, Jesus sent His disciples in a boat to cross the sea, while Jesus stayed behind to pray. After several hours, He began to walk on the water toward the boat, which was now in the middle of the sea. A storm had arisen, tossing the boat and the disciples—creating fear to rise up. Then when the disciples saw someone walking toward them on the water, they thought it was a ghost and were afraid.

“But immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying, ‘Be of good cheer! It is I; do not be afraid.’ And Peter answered Him and said, ‘Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water.’ So He said, ‘Come.’ And when Peter had come down out of the boat, he walked on the water to go to Jesus. 

Isn’t it interesting that the first thing Jesus said to His disciples is “do not be afraid”? Why were these first words so important? Fear is the opposite of faith, and throughout Scripture Jesus commands people not to be afraid. Fear robs us of faith because faith and fear cannot co-exist. Fear comes from the natural realm—where Satan rules. And faith comes from God’s kingdom and is based upon God’s Word. We see how these two forces worked in Peter’s “walk of faith.” Peter stepped out of the boat in faith and was actually walking on the water! His faith was working and creating supernatural results.

So, let’s continue the story. “But when he (Peter) saw that the wind was boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink he cried out, saying, ‘Lord, save me!’ Isn’t that so often what we do? We start a walk of faith. It’s what we desire. But as soon as we take action, our physical senses are attacked with contrary circumstances that create fearrobbing us of our faith. That’s what happened to Peter. That’s what often happens to us. Then we cry for God to save us, just like Peter.

Continuing the story... “And immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and caught him, and said to him, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?” And when they got into the boat, the wind ceased.”

Jesus was very clear about what happened—Peter began to doubt. He took his eyes off of Jesus and instead, began to look at the waves and feel the wind on his skin and it caused fear to spring up in his soul.

It is also very interesting that as soon as they got into the boat, the wind ceased. Why did the circumstances that had created doubt and fear, stop so quickly after stepping from the water into the boat? Because there was no longer a need for Satan to rob Peter of his faith. The test was over.

When Peter first jumped out of the boat that day, in response to Jesus’ word, what happened? He walked on the water without a problem. His whole being was fastened on that word Jesus had spoken to him, “Come!”

But when he took his eyes off that word from the Lord, he started looking at the storm. He started looking at the impossible thing he was doing. After all, he was a fisherman. All his training and experience told him that when the waves were that high, you were going under. He started to focus on the threat… what he knew in the natural instead of what Jesus said. When he did that, his belief system, his faith, slipped out of gear and he started to sink.

Don’t let that happen to you. Once you get a revelation in your heart from the Word of God, when you find one of His thousands of promises, and it becomes Rhema word…FOR YOU…FOR YOUR PARTICULAR SITUATION…hang on to it. Don’t focus on anything else. Keep your gaze only on God and His Word. 

The devil will do everything he can to get you to turn loose of it. He’ll stir up things around you. He’ll try to get you into fear. He’ll push every button he can from the past, he’ll try to get you back into your old way of thinking. He will try to get you to let go of your faith in God, and think about the impossibility of what you’re doing.

But don’t let go. Never give up. Keep your eyes on the Word of God until it’s more real inside you than anything in this natural world. Keep your GAZE on God and only GLANCE at the problem. If you do, you’ll be able to walk your way across the water and with God’s help, accomplish the impossible.

Scripture Reading: Matthew 14:22-33

With God, nothing is impossible!

Dale and Paula Black



HEAVEN PROJECT: Every person is precious to God and that also means YOU. Let’s join together to reach more. Please prayerfully give today to help us reach more souls for God’s kingdom. Thank you!

Standing on the corners of our city, we remind people that there is only ONE way to heaven—Jesus. 
Following the outreach on the streets of Coeur d’Alene, there is a Bible teaching and a time of “Questions and Answers” to help new believers and Christians grow in a deeper understanding of who God is, and how He works in our lives. God is blessing and multiplying..


Not sure you’re going to HEAVEN?
Then click on the following video link:

Jesus said, You Must Be Born Again.


PRE-ORDER YOUR COPY NOW of “Visiting Heaven: Heavenly Keys to Living a Life Without Limitations” by Capt. Dale Black, on Amazon.com.


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What Others are Saying:
     “Your book Dale was in Poland love it and I gave it to American Pastor. Hanka – Poland
     “Thank you Paula and Dale for your wonderful teaching! God bless you and your ministry.” Ronnie
     “Dale, it’s good to hear God’s reality these days. I’m a retired pastor with over 4 decades of ministry and it caught my attention your reference to Mr. Joel Green, being 77 yrs. old, because that’s how old I am. See brother Dale, your story can be substantiated with God’s Word. That’s what the His Word tells us to do in order to avoid being deceived. Keep up the good work our Lord has assigned you to do, you’ll reap abundant fruits and at the end great rewards from Jesus. I’ll surely keep you and yours in my prayers. ” William
     “Thank God for sending a true prophet to help guide us and keep us focused on Him and His Truth in these perplexing and troubled times! Jesus bless and keep you and yours now, and until He appears.” – Jane
     “Thank you, Dale, for sharing what God has showed you. It’s so easy to see The Holy Spirit “speaking” through you when you write these messages and make your videos. May God bless you and your team in abundance. I look forward to meet you all in Heaven.”  Elisabeth




@ Copyright 1981 – 2023 Eagle International Ministries Inc aka Dale Black Ministries