There is a spiritual battle being fought for the destiny of every person ever born. It has been raging since the rebellion against God in the garden of Eden, when man lost their perfect relationship with God. Since the fall, man has been at the mercy of two spiritual evils—sin and demons.

Sin has completely defiled the human race and all of creation. The Apostle Paul sums it up in Romans 3:23: ‘All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.’ 

Since the time of the fall, every child born has inherited this rebellious and sinful nature. Their mind has been darkened and their flesh became carnal.

Each of us received this corrupt nature as part of our inheritance at birth and is referred to as ‘the flesh’. In this instance the term ‘the flesh’ doesn’t refer to our physical fleshly bodies but to our carnal mind or nature.

In English translations two adjectives are used to describe this corrupt nature: fleshly or carnal. Both words mean the same thing and are just different ways of translating the same original Greek word. Both are used to describe our corrupt, fallen, sinful nature.

For those who read the NIV bible, you need to know that this translation has distanced itself from the original language. It has replaced both words with our old self and the sinful nature, which in all honesty should be treated more as an explanation rather than a translation.

However, even when we consider the discrepancies in translation, they don’t change or alter the truths that apply equally well to the old man, the flesh and sinful nature.

Every person alive is born with a sin nature and is corrupted by sin. There are no exceptions. This makes sin a universal problem. But not everyone who has sinned has come under the influence of demonic power.

However, it is important to know that sin and demons are very closely related in a way that makes these evil beings a threat to all mankind. Demons continually tempt mankind to sin, and also work through any sin that is committed. These attacks are in an effort to take captive the person who has sinned.

As an example, if we were to have the human condition of sin and demons explained to us by a biochemist, he might put it this way: Many invasive cells attack the human body on a regular basis. If a person is healthy, then his or her immune system is strong, and can identify and fight off these invasive cells, keeping their body safe from any harm. If, however, that person’s body has been weakened by illness, stresses, a lack of nutrients, etc., then the immune system will be compromised and unable to do its job effectively, to ward off any attack. As a result, that person becomes vulnerable to sickness and disease. And that’s exactly how it works with demons!

Demons are like those foreign cells, continually looking to invade a person’s body and soul. When a person is healthy spiritually, then the spiritual immune system within the person identifies and resists those demons from getting a foothold.

The Solution:
It’s essential both in the natural and the spiritual realm, to have a correct diagnosis. Whether we are confronted with our own personal problems or those of others, it’s important to know precisely what we are dealing with. We need to identify the cause of the problem and discern whether it is the result of the flesh or demons. Without this vital information, we are not able to proceed with the correct remedy.

What is the remedy for the flesh? Crucifixion! The claim that sin has on our fleshly nature was, and is, completely cancelled out by Jesus’ sacrificial death on the cross. Paul affirms this truth in a single statement: “Our old man was crucified with [Jesus]” (Roman 6:6).

We must, however, do as Paul says in Galatians 5:24 “And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with it’s passions and desires.” In this way we are personally applying the cross to our fleshly nature, and bringing our flesh into submission to the Spirit of Christ. With Paul we can say I have been crucified with Christ, it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me….” (Galatians 2:20). These powerful words of Scripture testify to the truth–that crucifixion is the only remedy for the flesh, and only accessible when we personally apply this remedy to ourselves.

However, the remedy for demons is very different. As was often demonstrated by Jesus and His apostles when they ministered to others, the only effective remedy for demons recorded in the Bible is to cast them out! It’s impossible to crucify a demon, and neither can we cast out anything that is of fleshly nature. As a result, there can be no exchange between these two very different remedies. Each has its own solution and approach.

In addition, we must ask for insight from the Holy Spirit as to how this demonic power entered our life. Was it sin, or was permission given to open the door? Once the point of access is understood, repentance is required, followed by our decision and choice to close that door. Then we do as Jesus taught, and cast out that demon in the authority of Jesus’ name.

With God, nothing is impossible!

Dale and Paula Black



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What Others Are Saying:
    “Capt Dale, Another wonderful message (Believing God for the Impossible). I was in tears with you by the end, tears of joy and glory to God….” Jacques – Oklahoma
    “Oh my! I’ll never get tired of hearing this glorious story the anniversary flight and all the miracles that led up to it! And what a PERFECT sign off for the control tower staff to hear! WITH GOD NOTHING SHALL BE IMPOSSIBLE.” Tim – California

    “I praise God that you have made this video captain Dale. Especially about Matthew 6:33….” Gawie – So. Africa
     “A beautiful reminder to worship and praise with thanksgiving to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ; bringing us into an intimate relationship with no hindrances to hearing His voice. (Entering God’s Presence)” Ruth – UK
     “God bless you and all who help spread the wonderful work of the Lord. What awonderful blessing you are. Thank you.” Ron – Newfoundland


@ Copyright 1981 – 2023 Eagle International Ministries Inc aka Dale Black Ministries