Healing is such a big topic and involves multiple aspects. And the churches seldom teach on it, so it’s no wonder people are confused—and left with more questions than answers.
In addition, healing is a very emotional subject. When our body breaks down or is inflicted with something that seems to take on a life of its own, it causes us to feel vulnerable, out of control, and betrayed.
Today I’m touching on some nuggets of truth about healing that I pray bring you increased hope and renewed faith for victory.

As Dale and I often say… You are a three-part person created in the image of God: spirit, soul (mind, will and emotions), and body. Although there are times when our soul may require healing—today, we’re focusing on the body. Our body is created by God to house our spirit and soul while we live in this world. The body acts as our interface with the natural realm, just as our spirit provides an interface with the spiritual realm. Scripture tells us that our body is also the temple of the Holy Spirit. This amazing realization should alert us to the reality that the body has spiritual significance (1 Corinthians 6:19).

“Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ” 1 Thessalonians 5:23.

Whether you realize it or not, God has given every person stewardship over their body. He will never go around your authority, He will only work through it. That also means that you are the gatekeeper who governs your body with natural and spiritual authority. The body doesn’t have a mind of its own—it cannot govern itself, so our spirit and soul are its guide. If we do not take our role of authority and stewardship, the body quickly becomes like an undisciplined child, vulnerable to many dangers.

There are two roads of healing which God gave: 1) Spiritual access to God’s healing power which is a divine gift God provides through Jesus Christ. 2) God created your body to heal itself. He gave your body an immune system that is designed to take what’s wrong and bring it back into agreement with His design. You are responsible to keep your immune system nourished, strong, and able to function for the purpose it was created.

These two paths toward healing can each bring about good results. Both were created by God and provided for our good. Confusion and frustration set in when the principles that govern the spiritual and natural realm, are not used correctly. Tragically, I see this as the primary culprit in the sabotage of healing—a lack of understanding the principles that govern healing.

Sometimes people believe that taking a natural approach is not the correct spiritual thing to do. But God is the Lord and Creator of both the spiritual and natural realm. Consider the Scripture that says, “Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31). This Scripture lets us know that God cares about what we do in the natural realm with our body, and He has an opinion on whether it brings Him glory or not.

Because we are in authority over our body, God works through us to bring healing. If we do not take our proper place in faith and obedience, why would we expect God to manifest His will through healing?

There have been many times that I experienced the need for healing in my own body. Diagnosed with terminal cancer 26 years ago, experienced three strokes 14 years ago, suffered with severe Sciatica 10 years ago, and other less significant maladies in between. My approach toward healing is to always the same—use everything available to me: spirit, soul and body.

Knowing foremost, that it is always God’s will that I am healed, and never His will that I am sick or diseased, is my foundation for healing. But that’s a longer message for another time.

Because I understand that in my redeemed position, I have inherited the precious promises of God, I start from a position of faith for healing, even before there are any outward signs of deliverance. I learned when I was diagnosed with terminal cancer and given 3-6 months to live, that I had to believe that I had already been gifted healing. It was done! Jesus had completed the necessary work. Now it was up to me to allow it to flow into my life. The more I read Scriptures about healing, the more I knew I was not the sick or diseased, but in Jesus’ name, I was already the healed! And that’s how I began to think of myself. That renewed personal identity motivated faith-filled actions and words.

Even though I was dealing with a need in my physical body… as a born-again Christian, I started with the spiritual realm..

  • I had elders anoint me with oil and pray for my healing (James 5:24)
  • I repented of my poor stewardship over my body and made huge changes in educating and managing my body in a healthier way (Acts 3:19). You can read what I changed in Appendix A of my book “Life, Cancer and God.”
  • I broke every curse that may have been placed on me by the enemy… in Jesus’ name (Matthew 16:19, Ephesians 6). Did you know that when a doctor proclaims a diagnosis to you, he is placing a curse. If you do not rebuke that curse and render it null and void in Jesus’ name, it has authority to remain. If you repeat to someone that “you have _(name of disease)_. You are taking ownership of the disease and it now has legal authority in your body. A demonic spirit is attached to every type of disease and most infirmities. These evil spirits must be cast out in Jesus’ name. Once the spiritual power of the infirmity is broken it is much easier for the disease to be dealt with.
  • I prayed for guidance and wisdom as I read the Bible every day and God directed my steps (Psalm 1:1-3,Joshua 1:8)
  • I wrote down healing Scriptures I found in God’s Word and read them out loud daily. I placed them in authority over my body. I spoke to my body often, telling it that it was subject to God and His Word. (Proverbs 18:21) You can find these Scriptures in our Free Downloads on the Home page of the website.
  • I laid my hands on my body and prayed over it… casting out the disease and from then on spoke only words of faith about my body and to my body—rebuking symptoms and proclaiming that healing reigned whenever fear lifted its head. (Luke 10:19)
  • I was extremely careful NEVER to speak contrary to what I was believing and confessing as truth (Mathew 12:36).

It is important to understand that when we were redeemed, we were adopted into God’s family and are no longer subject to this world. Even though we live in this fallen world temporarily, and this world may attack us in our body with injury or disease, God’s kingdom ultimately reigns over us. It is up to us to demand submission from Satan’s kingdom and proclaim victory in faith.

Another principle of healing is often violated by trying to walk with the world AND with God on healing—that would make you double-minded (James 1:6-8). The world is Satan’s kingdom and the systems of the world reflect Satan’s goals—which is to steal, kill and destroy.

I am not saying that we can never use anything from the world to help us heal. But always, AFTER seeking God and allowing Him to lead first. As an example, God lead me to a Christian woman doctor who had cancer a year prior to me, and she taught me how she reversed the cancer in her body naturally and in agreement with God’s design. Later, the Lord lead me to a Holy Spirit filled acupuncturist who treated the Sciatica that had plagued me for a long time. And I was walking for miles, pain-free within two days. But I waited for God to lead me and never stopped believing He would. God lead me because I went to Him first and sought Him continuously, trusting in His willingness to help me back to health. He was the one and only Source I relied upon unless He alerted me toward someone else He could use.

Too many Christians run in fear, to the world’s system of surgery, treatment and pharmaceuticals before consulting God. Then when the world’s system doesn’t work, they turn and ask God for a miracle, claiming faith.

God provides us everything we need during our earth life and beyond, as stated in 2 Peter 1:3. “As His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue,” The challenge we face is knowing God and His word well enough to trust Him and do it His way because that always requires faith.

You may be IN the world, but you are no longer OF the world. Trust in God to lead you back into health His way. And commit to being a good steward of your body from this day forward.

“My son, give attention to my words; incline your ear to my sayings. Do not let them depart from your eyes; keep them in the midst of your heart; for they are life to those who find them, and health to all their flesh. Keep your heart with all diligence for out of it spring the issues of life.” Proverbs 4:20-23.

With God nothing is impossible!

Dale & Paula Black



HEAVEN PROJECT: Every person is precious to God and that also means YOU. Let’s join together to reach more. Please prayerfully give today to help us reach more souls for God’s kingdom. Thank you!



Following the outreach on the streets of Coeur d’Alene, we have a time of “Questions and Answers” at a local Coffee Shop to help new believers and Christians grow in a deeper understanding of who God is and how He works in our lives. God is blessing and multiplying fruit each week.


Not sure you’re going to HEAVEN?
Then click on the following video link:

Jesus said, You Must Be Born Again.


PRE-ORDER YOUR COPY NOW of “Visiting Heaven: Heavenly Keys to Living a Life Without Limitations” by Capt. Dale Black, on Amazon.com.


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What Others are Saying:
     “This message couldn’t be more timely (Forgiving Your Past). Woke this morning under the weight of regret of the past. Wallowed in it until I came across Dale’s email containing this brief yet profound reminder that we are a new creation in Jesus. I really love the idea of a personal communion. I really needed this message today. I will do my best to follow it. Thank you and God bless you!” – Leslie
     “Speaking truth is offensive to this weak, over sensitive world (The Coming One World Government). No backbone anymore. The church needs to use their voice and the truth from the Word of God.” Ruth
     “Great message, thank you Paula!! As believers navigate the path of Christian living this message (How To Release God’s Power In Your Life) is far more important than most people realize. The enemy is delighted when believers are careless with words but His Words in our mouths applied correctly make us overcomers and bring defeat to the kingdom of darkness! Praise The Name Of The Lord!!” Eric
“Your article: “How to Release God’s Power in Your Life” is rock solid. I really enjoyed reading it.” – Lou
     “Thank you fellow disciples of Jesus, captain Dale, Paula and Kara for all your devotion and teachings this year. May Jesus bless your Christmas this year with His mighty presence and a new ENCOUNTER with Him. Love the photo with the banner in the snow :-))” Blessings. Gawie & Wilma – So. Africa


@ Copyright 1981 – 2023 Eagle International Ministries Inc aka Dale Black Ministries