Are your past mistakes and failures holding you back? Are you struggling to forgive yourself? Take the failures back to the cross of Jesus and leave them there.

Consider what the Apostle Paul wrote about and did himself. You may remember, Paul was the one who persecuted Christians and held the coats of the ones who were murdering followers of Jesus.

Then, Paul had an encounter with the risen Savior on the road to Damascus and everything changed for him. He repented, changed his ways and became an ardent follower of the Lord Jesus for the rest of his life. He is even responsible for writing much of the New Testament.

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new” 2 Corinthians 5:17.

How was it that Paul managed to overcome his past regrets and be free from the impact of those old memories? Much in the same way that you and I can be set free–by taking them to the cross and leaving them there. By meditating on, and allowing the truth of God’s Word to renew our mind daily.

Paul meditated on what Jesus had already done for him. He accepted the blood of Jesus shed for his sins, and he used the Name of Jesus in prayer until his spirit was fully cleansed and restored. You and I can do the same today.

Any day that you are reminded of your “past” and it starts speaking contrary to what the Word of God says about you, run to the communion table. I’m talking about a ‘personal communion’ between you and the Lord. Set the cup and the bread before you…and remember what Jesus has already accomplished for YOU.

Fix your mind and memory on Jesus, not on yourself. When you eat the bread (representing the body of Jesus), and drink of the cup (representing the Lord’s shed blood), force yourself to behold the Lamb of God Who has taken away the sin of the world… including your sins, your failures and your shortcomings too. Jesus has forgiven you and made all things new in your life. Discipline yourself to think on Jesus. And give Him those burdens once again.

You are a NEW creation in Christ Jesus EVERY DAY. Don’t let the past choke out your future. Thank God you can bury the “Old You” because of what Jesus did on that cross at Calvary. He is entirely faithful.

“Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:22-23.

There is only One God. Jesus is His Son and He is the Messiah. He didn’t come to the world 2,000 years ago to condemn the world but that the world through Him might be saved. Tell someone about Jesus Christ this week. Share your testimony. And continue to call upon the name of Jesus in your personal life daily–thanking Him that your sins are under His blood and you are forgiven.

And If you’re not 100% sure you’re going to heaven when this life is through click on BOOK YOUR HEAVEN FLIGHT.

With God nothing is impossible!

Dale & Paula Black

HEAVEN PROJECT: Every person is precious to God and that also means YOU. Let’s join together to reach more. Please prayerfully give today to help us reach more souls for God’s kingdom. Thank you!





Following the outreach on the streets of Coeur d’Alene, we have a time of “Questions and Answers” at a local Coffee Shop to help new believers and Christians grow in a deeper understanding of who God and how He works in our lives. God is blessing and multiplying fruit each week.


Not sure you’re going to HEAVEN?
Then click on the following video link:

Jesus said, You Must Be Born Again.


PRE-ORDER YOUR COPY NOW of “Visiting Heaven: Heavenly Keys to Living a Life Without Limitations” by Capt. Dale Black, on


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What Others are Saying:
     “This message (A Life-Changing Teaching From Jesus) is so current and relevant. It has always been, but more so as we near the end. Thank you to my dear brother for being led of the Lord.” – Debbie
“Thank you Paula- your words (How To Release God’s Power In Your Life) are resonating with my spirit. Praise His holy Name! Please pray with me and for me that my words will be life-giving and God-pleasing. Am so grateful for your ministry and heart for people.” Phyllis
     “Great message, thank you Paula!! As believers navigate the path of Christian living this message (How To Release God’s Power In Your Life) is far more important than most people realize. The enemy is delighted when believers are careless with words but His Words in our mouths applied correctly make us overcomers and bring defeat to the kingdom of darkness! Praise The Name Of The Lord!!” Eric
“Your article: “How to Release God’s Power in Your Life” is rock solid. I really enjoyed reading it.” – Lou
     “Thank you fellow disciples of Jesus, captain Dale, Paula and Kara for all your devotion and teachings this year. May Jesus bless your Christmas this year with His mighty presence and a new ENCOUNTER with Him. Love the photo with the banner in the snow :-))” Blessings. Gawie & Wilma – So. Africa


@ Copyright 1981 – 2023 Eagle International Ministries Inc aka Dale Black Ministries