The America we have known in previous years, has all but disappeared. The events taking place at the current time, could not have been imagined by those living even 2 decades ago. Unless, of course, they had been researching and diligently studying the biblical books of Daniel, Revelation, and more.

Most of the events happening now, were predicted in these prophetic books written over 2,000 years ago. God has given warning of the things to come. Only a few are awake enough to understand that our world is being undermined by an invisible enemy from within. Many more believe we are in the “last days,” and the world as we know it is coming to a climax.

The Corporate Church is becoming weaker at an astounding rate, and for good reason. Almost every church in America has a disguised and infiltrated “handler” embedded within each congregation. Pastors are generally unaware, while they are grateful for the donation and support these “handlers” provide.

Christians are distracted with the idea of a soon-coming rapture. Yes, God has a plan for the rapture of His Church–most certainly. And although no one knows the day or the hour of the return of Jesus, we are told in Scripture that we will know the season. However, in the vision and revelation I believe God has given me, the rapture occurs between the 6th and 7th seals, which take place in the second half of the final seven years.

But contrary to most of the current teaching in the Body of Christ the TIMING of the rapture is still ahead, as the final seven years have yet to commence. According to scripture, God’s children will escape the horrors of the “wrath of God” (I Thess. 5:9) but we will not escape the persecution of the church (II Thess. 1:1-3). The false doctrine which has been planted within the church culture, is a  ‘setup’ for the “great apostasy”– meaning the great falling away of believers from their true faith in Jesus.

The purpose of this letter is not to teach about when the rapture will occur, but instead to speak on behalf of the Lord Jesus and remind you to focus fully on Him. Keep your gaze on the Lord during these months ahead. Seek first the Kingdom of God and fear not the calamities that are occurring. Tragically, I believe we are now experiencing the great apostasy beginning to take place in its preliminary stages.

I spent many days alone with God last week and much has been imparted into my heart. I will be sharing weekly as the Lord confirms His messages to His Church. But for today, be advised that there is a plan in place already. Your job is to pray and occupy. Continue with the work of the Kingdom. Keep your focus on Jesus, the Christ, and let YOUR light shine in the current darkness.

I’ll write more about the timing of the rapture as God leads, but for now, let me describe what you and I can do to settle under the protective wings of the Lord in this time of when we are occupying for our Lord Jesus. Know that God has made a promise to keep those who trust in Him, covered during troubled times (Psalm 91:1-12).

Know What God Is Saying By Listening to His Voice
If you are not spending time alone with God and His Word to developed your faith, there’s no better time to start than today. He is the only sure hiding place any of us have. This will be more important than ever in the days that are coming.

Matthew 7:24-27 describes how important it is to build your house (strengthen your life) before the storm hits. Not wait until you are in the middle of a storm. You must build your spiritual house in preparation, while there is time.

Remember to stay in pray. Go on the offense against the enemy. Don’t wait to react to an attack. Tell people about Jesus. Share the good news of the gospel message. Share your testimony wherever there is opportunity.

Pray for protection for yourself and your loved ones, and anyone the Lord puts on your heart. Be faithful at work, or in your business, for as long as possible. Do not run away, or cower in fear. God has a beautiful plan for His children during the coming storm.

The Lord has led me to more deeply explore His ways and His means of providing for His people when times are tough. He has promised to keep those who trust in Him, safe when we experience times of persecution. His protection is for His faithful. God has divine protection available to His Faithful. Than can be you. When we hear and learn about the end times, or the last days, we can become fearful if we are not firmly grounded on the Rock of our salvation. Take a good look at Revelation 3. A faithful follower of Jesus is one who fellowships regularly with Him and repents regularly, as often as needed to keep the spiritual pipes clear.

I have discovered one thing about our Father’s intent for His children at times like these. God has made a safe place for us! He has always made a safe place for those who will trust and obey Him. Even though our world may tear itself apart, not everyone will need to go through personal persecution. Let me explain why I can say that with confidence.

In Matthew 24:6-7, Jesus told His disciples to watch for the signs that mark the end times, including wars, rumors of wars, earthquakes and famines. We don’t have to look hard to know these things have increased throughout the world in our generation. And they are likely to get much worse before the very last days.

But, we can have comfort in knowing we will not be around for that final portion of the great tribulation when God pours out His wrath on an unbelieving world. The Bible says Jesus will return right on time to rescue us. In the meantime, we know God has everything under control, and He will protect and provide for His children. But there are important things we must do in order to stay in that place of protection.

#1 – Believe God’s promises for protection
You can know for sure that no matter how tough times get you can live out your last days in the safety of God’s protection! Scripture is filled with God’s promise of protection for His children. He will not fail to do His part to fulfill what He has promised. And He has made it clear that our part is to live and remain trusting in Him. The big question for each of us is: Will we do our part?

Psalm 91 is a scripture we can all take as our foundational promise of God’s sure protection. The whole chapter gives a great picture of the protection God provides His people. Take a minute to read this passage (below) out loud to see just how far-reaching our protection is. It is copied at the bottom of this article.

Did you know? Bibles are being purposefully mistranslated and/or tweaked by publishers? So avoid the new Bible translations and stay away from paraphrases. Even though you may like how a certain Bible reads, but the changes that are being made can literally be lethal. Use an older version of a solid translation. I use an Old King James version, and as old a translation of the NKJV as possible. Paula enjoys an old version of the Amplified Bible (not the classic version).

Look again at Psalm 91, verses 1 and 2. This is basic instruction for staying in our place of protection. It is our responsibility–our part. “He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, ‘He is my refuge and my fortress; my God, in Him I will trust.’”

Throughout our days, our safe place of God’s protection is found in two words: abide and say.

#2 – Abide in God’s Word for protection
Dwelling in the secret place of our Most High God, requires your decision to place your whole being–spirit, soul and body–under His protection. He is the secret place and perfect hiding place for His people. Nothing is higher than the Most High. Paul said in Colossians 3:3 that because we are in the Body of Christ, our life, “…is hid with Christ in God.”

Abide means “to remain or stay put.” It also means “to live or lodge in the place.” It’s the place where we reside–where we build our whole life!

I like to think of it this way, “Abiding is obeying.” We can receive everything God has for us if we abide in Him, hearing and obeying what He says to us through His written Word. We also want to hear and obey His Spirit within us.

Spending time in His Word is the first step to your safety in His hiding place. When you spend time with Him–reading, studying and meditating on His Word–each moment you spend with God builds your faith and establishes you solidly in a place of divine safety.

#3 – Say, or speak God’s Word for protection
Speaking (or saying) the promises of the Bible over your situation, releases great power. When we add our words (or say) to our abiding, we actually close and lock the door of the hiding place to any attack that Satan might launch against us. We say boldly of the Lord, “He is our refuge, our fortress, our God, and we trust in Him.” This abiding faith of both words and action, thwarts every work of the enemy. I’m telling you from the depths of my heart, these actions are pleasing to God… and they work!

Our speaking (saying) in faith, declares we are in agreement with God’s Word–about Himself and His relationship with us. We are saying, “I have received God as my Protector, just like I took Him as my Savior. He is my safety. He is my Security. He is my Provider. I shall live in His safe place!”

We talk about our deliverance. We talk about our protection. We do not speak fear or doubt. Any thought that comes to our minds that is based in fear or doubt, we cast down and rebuke (2 Corinthians 10:5). We do not empower fear by speaking about it, but instead we strengthen our faith by speaking God’s word and His will about the situation.

Regardless of which challenges come up; such as health issues, financial challenges, weather warnings, relationship trials, natural or man-made disasters … none of them have the power to take you out of your place in God. You can, and should, choose to trust in God’s ability to bring peace and reconciliation to every situation in your life. This is what I mean by God’s safety plan for His children.

We don’t have to let circumstances and situations overwhelm our lives. Circumstances and symptoms can be changed. God’s Word is truth, and that never changes.

We are taught by the Lord to speak to circumstances with the truth of God’s Word. And do so in the Name of Jesus. The moment you are faced with a bad situation, refuse fear. Rebuke the threat, and immediately start saying, “I dwell in the secret place of the Most High. I abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I say of the Lord, He is my refuge. He is my God. I trust in Him!”

Build your very own list of safety and protection scriptures. The Bible is filled with them. Have them ready. Just get in there and dig out His Word on protection. You can find them easily with a Bible Concordance or online. There is so much comfort in scriptures like Psalm 27:5: “For in the day of trouble He will hide me in His shelter; in the secret place of His tent will He hide me; He will set me high upon a rock” (The Amplified Bible).

God’s Word is the arsenal of our weaponry against the attacks of the enemy. Jesus set the example for us by speaking only God’s Word in response to the enemy’s attempts to draw Him out of God’s place of protection (Luke 4). It’s the same with you and me. No matter the trial or trouble; when we speak only God’s Word it’s like building a wall of safety around us. The enemy is forced to get out of our way!

Safe-At All Times!
Put your relationship with God first. Abide in Him, and let Him teach you from His Word. Hear God clearly, then obey His direction. Keep your faith ‘spooled up’ (that’s an aviation term meaning to keep your engines ready. In like manner, keep your heart ready by daily spending time in God’s Word. And continually speak His promises boldly over yourself and your family. I am convinced if you’ll do this, you will find your true and sure place of safety.

Last Days?
You may ask, “So Dale, are these the end times–the last days?” Yes, without doubt. These are the last of the last days. God has shown me who the Antichrist is. He has verified what the trigger to the last seven years will be. More important is for you to be ready now. Get your affairs in order. Work to get your own water supply or create a stash of water. Do all things practical to be ready for the evil players to purposefully make life horrid. But we have more power in Jesus if we’ll use it. Make sure you and family are ready with your house built on the Rock, so that if God’s time arrives sooner, you will be prepared. Don’t stop shinning your light for God among men.

These are our last days, and we should plan on living them out securely and safely and with purpose beyond mere survival. We do not need to fear. We can live out His plan for our lives. When we stay in the hiding place God has for us–He keeps us covered. We’re safe at all times! And keep telling everyone about Jesus. Jesus will lead you into truth and protection. He will give you abundant life here and now. He is the answer for everything in this world and He is the only way to Heaven. Jesus Christ who is God with us through the Holy Spirit.

Remember, With God, nothing is impossible!

Dale and Paula Black


Read and Meditate on Psalms 91 (below)


.Not sure you’re going to HEAVEN?

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Jesus said, You Must Be Born Again.


“Visiting Heaven: Heavenly Keys to Living a Life Without Limitations” by Capt. Dale Black, on


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What Others Are Saying:
    “Captain Dale’s heart is without a doubt in the right place. He helps us with our own salvation immensely. We are ALL going to die but before another minute goes by we MUST REPENT. Many people fail to do so and they risk losing Heaven and may have to suffer the pains of Hell forever.” – William
    “Thank you so much Dale and Paula for the clarification on the end times and what happens. It was so confusing to understand fully before. Thanks for all your hard work and faithfulness.” – Linda 
   “Amazing story of God ‘s hand moving in Dale’s life in the book “Visiting Heaven”. If you don’t believe in miracles, his story could change your mind. Dale points to one who is behind the miracles. All glory to Jesus Christ, the Father and the work of the Holy Spirit within us.” – Jeff
     “Your article: “Preparing for the Rapture” is a good solid presentation. It is more than preparing for the rapture, it is preparing for the end times where Satan’s fury against God and all that is His will be unleashed to the full. We will be need to have the full armor of God as you said to make it through victoriously until we are raptured when Jesus returns in power and glory and declares his victory. Until then the word of truth you have told us needs to be firmly in our hearts and mind and lives. Thank for your solid teaching based on the Word God has given us.” – Jacques


Psalms 91
1 He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. 2 I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress; my God, in Him I will trust.” 3 Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the perilous pestilence. 4 He shall cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you shall take refuge; His truth shall be your shield and buckler. 5 You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, nor of the arrow that flies by day, 6 Nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness, nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday. 7 A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it shall not come near you. 8 Only with your eyes shall you look, and see the reward of the wicked. 9 Because you have made the Lord, who is my refuge, even the Most High, your dwelling place, 10 No evil shall befall you, nor shall any plague come near your dwelling; 11 For He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways. 12 In their hands they shall bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone. 13 You shall tread upon the lion and the cobra, the young lion and the serpent you shall trample underfoot. 14 “Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore I will deliver him; I will set him on high, because he has known My name. 15 He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor him. 16 With long life I will satisfy him, and show him My salvation.” New King James Version