From 1924 until 2023, what I am about to tell you… was not possible. That’s what we were told every year since the fatal airplane crash in 1969. Every year the question was asked, can Capt. Dale Black, a professional airline pilot and FAA safety consultant and the only survivor of the airplane crash, be included with a plaque just above Amelia Earhart inside the Portal of the Folded Wings?

Always the answer from the top was, “No, in respect to those memorialized, there will be no plaques placed above another person’s memorial plaque.”

That is, until this year when God answered our prayers. Last Monday a beautiful bronze memorial plaque for Dale Black was permanently installed just above Amelia Earhart. A 53 year prayer request finally answered. What a marvelous testimony that reveals again, God’s faithfulness!

Faith is reflected and empowered through both our words and our actions—in spite of the resistance we face (James 2:14-17). There are always obstacles and bad reports. Always. Satan comes to cause us to believe that what God has promised is not possible (Numbers 13:27-14:24). Faith in action is what takes us over to victory.

“Therefore do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward. For you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise” Hebrews 10:35-36.

Based upon these principles, I would like to mention a modern-day Joshua or Caleb (Numbers 13:27-14:24). His name is Dale Black. When he was the only survivor of an airplane crash and told he would not walk again, see from his eye, use his left arm, gain back his memory, or fly again… he believed and acted on God’s Word instead of the bad reports.

It was Dale’s choice to choose whether to believe God for healing and the restoration of a life without limits for the glory of God. It was Dale’s choice to choose God and His promises, and to hold fast to his faith—in spite of the resistance. It took time. It was  a long, difficult struggle. It required going through constant persecution from those around him. But he trusted in God and God’s Word more than in doctors, his loved ones, or this artificial world.

The fruits of Dale’s faith were many—including his sharing the gospel of Jesus to many. Individuals became saved as a result–even his doctor, who could not deny the unexplainable and miracle power of God in Dale’s life.

Following the airplane crash, Dale took a journey to heaven which changed his heart so dramatically that he began a personal outreach to share the gospel with the lost. He quietly set a personal goal of seeing 1,000 people saved every year. This was done as a professional pilot, not as a minister, It took decades before he revealed this information, but God used Dale to usher 30,000 new souls into His kingdom in 30 years. At that point we stopped counting. Currently Dale continues to win the lost through the Heaven Project and via books and videos on the Dale Black Ministries channel called MESSAGES FROM HEAVEN.

“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God” Romans 12:2.

Dale partnered WITH God to bring God’s will to bear in this fallen world and in his life. Dale stayed in agreement with God’s Word and made his choices accordingly. One of Dale’s desires was to make aviation safer. He impacted the aviation industry by starting a company training professional pilots with the highest of standards. Our company evolved into training jet pilots for many of the worlds airlines with the highest of industry standards. Standards that no longer exist.  Dale also became a jet FAA Examiner and Safety Counselor. He is responsible for training thousands of professional pilots from all over the world.

At the end of his career almost a hundred or so letters were accumulated and given to Dale by students and professional organizations. I was witness to all of it. The pilots that Dale trained would often write typed or hand written letters of commendation. Consistently I heard three comments from many of the most experienced pilots who ever flew airplanes. The letters said, “Dale is by far the safest pilot I’ve ever known.” Or, “He is the most natural pilot I’ve ever been in the cockpit with.”

Dale attributes his skills as “a gift from the Lord.” Of course, to God be the glory! Dale doesn’t talk much about flying these days, but he made an impact in the field of aviation and helped improve safety and lives were saved and lives were changed for the better.

Very recently, a beautiful brass plaque was installed at the Portal of the Folded Wings (where the airplane crashed). reflecting what Dale accomplished in aviation, against all worldly odds and in spite of tremendous resistance.

Included are photos of an aviation memorial reflecting what Dale accomplished—in partnership with God. When you read the inscription on the plaque, remember… Dale was told, and EVERYONE agreed, “You will never fly again!”

God does not change. Nor does He play favorites. The only variable in whether we receive the promises of God… is our faith. What God did for Dale, He wants to do for others also.

“For there is no partiality with God” Romans 2:11.

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning” James 1:17

“For I am the Lord; I do not change….” Malachi 3:6

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever” Hebrews 13:8.

“Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge;” 2 Peter 1:4-5.

Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits: Who forgives all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases, Who redeems your life from destruction, Who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies, Who satisfies your mouth with good things, So that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s” Psalm 103:1-5.

If you’d like to contribute to this memorial plaque which tells people that Jesus is the way to Heaven, and points the way to a book which contains the gospel and principles of faith, you can select the DONATE button below. This plaque is part of the Heaven Project Outreach Ministry.

With God nothing is impossible!

Dale & Paula Black




HEAVEN PROJECT: Every person is precious to God and that also means YOU. Let’s join together to reach more. Please prayerfully give today to help us reach more souls for God’s kingdom. Thank you!



Following the outreach on the streets of Coeur d’Alene, we have a time of “Questions and Answers” at a local Coffee Shop to help new believers and Christians grow in a deeper understanding of who God and how He works in our lives. God is blessing and multiplying fruit each week.


Not sure you’re going to HEAVEN?
Then click on the following video link:

Jesus said, You Must Be Born Again.


PRE-ORDER YOUR COPY NOW of “Visiting Heaven: Heavenly Keys to Living a Life Without Limitations” by Capt. Dale Black, on


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What Others are Saying:
     “This message couldn’t be more timely (Forgiving Your Past). Woke this morning under the weight of regret of the past. Wallowed in it until I came across Dale’s email containing this brief yet profound reminder that we are a new creation in Jesus. I really love the idea of a personal communion. I really needed this message today. I will do my best to follow it. Thank you and God bless you!” – Leslie
     “Speaking truth is offensive to this weak, over sensitive world (The Coming One World Government). No backbone anymore. The church needs to use their voice and the truth from the Word of God.” Ruth
     “Great message, thank you Paula!! As believers navigate the path of Christian living this message (How To Release God’s Power In Your Life) is far more important than most people realize. The enemy is delighted when believers are careless with words but His Words in our mouths applied correctly make us overcomers and bring defeat to the kingdom of darkness! Praise The Name Of The Lord!!” Eric
“Your article: “How to Release God’s Power in Your Life” is rock solid. I really enjoyed reading it.” – Lou
     “Thank you fellow disciples of Jesus, captain Dale, Paula and Kara for all your devotion and teachings this year. May Jesus bless your Christmas this year with His mighty presence and a new ENCOUNTER with Him. Love the photo with the banner in the snow :-))” Blessings. Gawie & Wilma – So. Africa
