“Sitting atop this large golden stand was a huge book, the likes of which I had never seen. It was astoundingly beautiful, bound in a cover made of solid pearl with gold lattice wrapped around the edges. This book was clearly special and the size seemed enormous. It was filled with light that shined from within its cover. For a brief moment I wondered what this great volume could be, and why the angel had directed me to it. But as before, as quickly as the question fully formed, I understood. This was the Book of Life.”- Excerpt from VISITING HEAVEN: Secrets of Life After Death (Book One) by Capt. Dale Black
Sovereign House is pleased to bring you the entire story for the first time–the FIRST of three books in the new VISITING HEAVEN Series by Dale Black. Now available in Kindle and Paperback. Keep updated by subscribing to the Free E-newsletter on the Home page. Price: $16.99 Paperback. $8.99 Kindle.
When Dale wrote Flight To Heaven, he also wrote his entire Heaven experience. The complete story was initially meant only for family. Over the years Dale has been asked countless times to tell more of his story. And after 40 years of waiting, it all came to a head. Here’s what happened.
Night after night Dale was awakened with the dream of Jonah and the whale. Many nights Dale could not sleep because of a heavy heart of conviction. You see, it seemed that God wanted Dale to release the entire story but Dale had disagreed. You know the story of Jonah, right? Jonah was sent to Nineveh but refused to go. Finally, Jonah surrendered to God’s will just in time to save many lives, including his own. Likewise, after years of waiting, and what Dale calls the “Jonah Experience,” the Lord gave confirmation that Dale must share all of his remarkable story in book form which is being called the VISITING HEAVEN Series.
VISITING HEAVEN: Secrets of Life After Death will be the first volume in a three-book series.
Throughout this VISITING HEAVEN Series, you will learn so much more about Heaven–like the glories of the City of God which are shared in magnificent detail, including the gardens and wonders surrounding the City Wall, the beautiful Gate of Pearl, and the Book of Life. Dale shares about his visit with family and other loved ones and describes the perfect community of Heaven. You will learn about the Centers of praise and worship where angels and saints gather for praise continually, where children live in Heaven and what happens to babies who die. You will gain a glimpse into the astounding physical laws that govern Heaven, and so much more.
Dale shares many personal experiences and revelations about God and His love for you and all of His creation. Your faith will be strengthened and your hope more focused. We believe this book will encourage and inspire all who read it.
If your heart is stirred, you can help. Each book in the VISITING HEAVEN Series needs to be edited professionally, needs a professional cover and interior design before being published as an e-book, paperback and audio book. We are asking for financial help with a gift of any amount which to help us publish and then market the book series.
This first book was made possible through the gifts of people just like you who believed in this story and wanted it published. We would like to release Book Two next year and you can help through your financial gifts.
We are asking the Lord to lead 18 people to give $1,000 or more for the SECOND book in the VISITING HEAVEN SERIES. As one of the donors of $1,000 or more for this project, your name will be included at the FRONT of Book Two’s FIRST edition, with a grateful “Thank You.” For any gift of $1000 or more, your name will also be engraved on a leaf and added to our lovely Tree of Life in the Ministry Office. Please pray about being used for this wonderful purpose. Thank you and God bless.