Years ago, I had the privilege of flying as Hal Lindsey’s pilot, the well-known author of The Late Great Planet Earth and many other books. Many people don’t know that Hal was a tugboat captain in his early years. He often told me about his dream of becoming a professional airline pilot—until he felt God’s calling on his life.

His love for flying caused us to spend countless hours talking in the cockpit of the jet I piloted, where we formed a deep friendship. We traveled extensively together—Rome, the Vatican, Israel, Egypt, and even visited the White House together with a presidential invitation. Hal recently finished his earthly race, and is now content and fulfilled in Heaven.

During one of our talks, Hal shared a powerful insight with me: He said, “to write a great book, you must first become the book.”

My upcoming book Atomic Faith is just such a book. It defines my life and explains faith in simple and powerful terms—using stories to illustrate how faith works. If you want your prayers answered, faith is a key to making that happen—every time.

The Bible says that without faith it is impossible to please Him, (meaning God). For he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him (Hebrews 11:6). I have found that most people don’t really understand what faith is or how faith works, according to Jesus’ teachings. Sadly, that lack of understanding keeps us from receiving answers to our prayers.

First, let’s talk about natural faith vs supernatural faith. I’m coining the phrase “natural faith,” which is the kind of faith most people use. It’s a human, limited force, that relies on natural power—things like willpower, determination and effort. Its impact is confined to the natural realm, rooted in mental and emotional desire.

Many Olympic gold medalists, scientists, musicians, and top athletes rely heavily on natural faith, which has value and can accomplish great success, even though this in not biblical faith. A rough analogy would be comparing natural faith to the use of conventional explosives—which are impressive but limited.

Let’s also look at supernatural faith, which I describe as the kind of faith Jesus demonstrated—the power behind the healings and miracles in Scripture. Biblical, supernatural faith is an exponential force that:

  • starts with hope,
  • grows into strong belief that’s rooted in God’s Word, and
  • culminates in action based on that belief.

I call this atomic faith. This type of faith has the power to bring Heaven’s power to Earth. It has the power to create the miraculous. A rough analogy would be comparing supernatural faith to the power of nuclear explosives. With supernatural faith, there are no limits. With supernatural faith, the impossible becomes possible.

Faith is often misunderstood and surrounded by misinformation, yet it’s a powerful and essential element of Jesus’ ministry and teachings. Possibly you’re sick and unsure how “faith for healing” works. Or you may have something else you are praying for and the answer doesn’t seem to ever arrive.

If you’re struggling to see your prayers answered consistently, you should know that the problem really isn’t you – the powerful truths of Jesus’s teachings have been suppressed for decades, and some have been replaced by misinformation and lies.

My new book Atomic Faith is full of inspiring stories, illustrating the impossible becoming possible. It will build your understanding of how God designed faith to work and how to make it a daily part of your life.

We are ready to start printing my new book, Atomic Faith. We’re simply waiting for the necessary funding. If you feel led to support this project, please visit and navigate to the Book Project page. If your heart is moved to help, join us in changing lives with this first book in the Messages From Heaven book series—Atomic Faith.

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Please know that Paula and I deeply love our brothers and sisters in Christ, and we share an unwavering passion for reaching the lost for Jesus. Even during this period of restructuring, our personal ministry continues to impact lives, with approximately 40 people each month reaching out to share that they have decided to follow Jesus after reading our books or visiting the Book Your Heaven Flight on our website. For this, we are profoundly grateful to God. We also extend our heartfelt thanks to you—those who are praying for us and supporting the work we do—whose generosity makes this all possible

This is Dale Black, reminding you—that with God, nothing is impossible!

Dale and Paula Black

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