Don’t miss this powerful message in today’s video. God Does Not Change, therefore, We MUST NEVER change the Word of God. Not through a paraphrase version of the Bible, or a new translation. Not because of a preacher, or an author’s message. Not because of a supernatural experience, a vision, or a feeling. Not because we want something different, and not because we are trying to be politically correct.

“For I am the Lord, I do not change;” Malachi 3:6. The Word of God is alive and will continue to be living for every person who reads it, hears it, and accepts it.

This Scripture established a doctrine of God’s kingdom that is unchangeable. It is that, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Do not be carried about with various and strange doctrines…” Hebrews 13:8-9.

Since God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit never change. And the Word of God that has been given us never changes… then our Christian doctrine should never change–only our understanding of it deepens as we mature and grow in the Lord.

With God nothing is impossible!

Dale & Paula Black

.Not sure you’re going to HEAVEN? 
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Jesus said, You Must Be Born Again.


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What Others are Saying:

     “This message (A Life-Changing Teaching From Jesus) is so current and relevant. It has always been, but more so as we near the end. Thank you to my dear brother for being led of the Lord.” – Debbie
   “Thank you Paula- your words (How To Release God’s Power In Your Life) are resonating with my spirit. Praise His holy Name! Please pray with me and for me that my words will be life-giving and God-pleasing. Am so grateful for your ministry and heart for people.” Phyllis
     “Great message, thank you Paula!! As believers navigate the path of Christian living this message (How To Release God’s Power In Your Life) is far more important than most people realize. The enemy is delighted when believers are careless with words but His Words in our mouths applied correctly make us overcomers and bring defeat to the kingdom of darkness! Praise The Name Of The Lord!!” Eric
    “Your article: “How to Release God’s Power in Your Life” is rock solid. I really enjoyed reading it.” – Lou
     “Thank you fellow disciples of Jesus, captain Dale, Paula and Kara for all your devotion and teachings this year. May Jesus bless your Christmas this year with His mighty presence and a new ENCOUNTER with Him. Love the photo with the banner in the snow :-))” Blessings. Gawie & Wilma – So. Africa