Faith is one of the most misunderstood aspects of the Christian life. Yet, it is also one of the most rewarding, once you learn how to use it. The results that faith gives you are literally… miraculous.

“But without faith it is impossible to please Him…” Hebrews 11:6.

I’m speaking about the “force of faith” not the doctrine you believe. Although “belief” and “faith” are akin to each other, and faith is based upon what and who you believe in, they are not the same and have different functions.

Our faith—motivated by something we believe—requires action. You can believe anything without taking action, and it’s simply a belief. And belief on its own, without faith, does not produce results. Faith on the other hand, is based on what you believe, but it doesn’t stop there. It adds action in agreement and expectation of what you believe. That’s true faith.

“What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him?” James 2:14.

Faith is much like a muscle—the more you use it the stronger it gets. We start our Christian life with a seed of faith to believe in Jesus for salvation, and to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Then our faith is used to meet every challenge that comes into our life. Faith is a powerful spiritual force, that forces Satan’s plan to bow to God’s plan, if we use it according to God’s principles.

While we live in this fallen world, we experience negative circumstances due to either our faulty choices, or an attack against us by our enemy. Sometimes, it’s simply a random set of circumstances that land a major blow.  Even though we are born-again and serving Jesus as Lord, we can…and will, experience distress and hurt.

Satan is the god of this world… until Jesus returns to rule and reign. For now, we are temporarily camping out in Satan’s kingdom and are constantly being harassed by our enemy.

Jesus alerted His followers to recognize these two diametrically opposed kingdoms when He explained, The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” (John 10:10).

Jesus wanted us to be aware that we have a choice—a choice about who we serve, and which life we will live. When Satan’s plans come to steal from us, kill something or someone dear, or destroy what is godly in our life; there is a choice to be made. We can submit to the “thief” and his destructive efforts or displace Satan’s plans with the abundant life our Savior offers. Only faith can take us from one set of circumstances to another.

There is no doubt that it takes a fight of faith to accomplish that shift. But faith is your inheritance and flows from the Spirit of Jesus, who is in you. It is the force of power that establishes God’s will over Satan’s.

“For we walk by faith, not by sight [living our lives in a manner consistent with our confident belief in God’s promises]” 2 Corinthians 5:7 AMP.

Faith is a supernatural force, given to every believer. Its purpose is to establishes God’s will in place of what Satan wills. Through faith, we pull down strongholds and establish righteousness, because God has called us to glorify Him in all areas of our life—spirit, soul and body.

Be aware, that faith works whether we believe God’s Word or Satan’s temptation. Whatever we believe, and put action and words to, begins to manifest in our life. This does not happen with a single word or phrase. But by speaking and acting repeatedly in a particular focus, our faith for that outcome is strengthened until it comes into our reality.

We must learn about the principles God gave that govern how faith works, if we are to use our faith to glorify Him. As a believer, our desire should be to glorify God with our life. And it is our life that bears the fruit of our faith. 

When we follow the guidelines God gives through His word, and act in agreement with faith, we fight the fight of faith to hold our ground against all the messages from the natural realm that tell us a contrary story. Only when we fight the fight of faith (not letting go of what we believe in our heart), is supernatural power released to overwhelm whatever is not glorifying God, replacing it with what we have extended our faith for.

Jesus gave us many examples of the miraculous. It is within those narratives that we learn the principles that guide faith to its goal in our own lives. It is through our stable belief in the truth of God’s word, and its application to the challenge we are facing… that a testimony is born.

Let’s try to clarify our understanding. What is faith? The dictionary gives two different meanings.

  1. Faith – complete trust or confidence in someone or something. (i.e. the force of faith based upon God and His Word.)
  2. Faith – strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on specific teaching. (i.e. a person of faith).

The ‘faith’ discussed in this message is akin to the first definition. I am not discussing what religion you adhere to, nor am I speaking about “your faith” as a general belief system.

Rather, I am addressing the spiritual force of faith that is released from your heart (spirit) based upon absolute confidence in Jehovah God and His Word, as it is written in Scripture.

To get to the heart of this subject, let’s look at how God defines ‘faith’ in Hebrews 11:1. “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”

For more clarity, I have also included the Amplified Bible. “Now faith is the assurance (title deed, confirmation) of things hoped for (divinely guaranteed), and the evidence of things not seen [the conviction of their reality—faith comprehends as fact what cannot be experienced by the physical senses].”

One of the most important words in this verse, is the word “now”. Now means in the present moment. The past contains our memories, and our hope pertains to the future. But only in the present moment—at a point of choosing—does faith live.

If we are hoping for something… that is not faith, that is hope. If we recount past experiences or other people’s testimonies, it may prepare the ground for faith in us, but that is not faith. Faith only lives in the present moment.

Faith is not an emotion. Faith is belief and conviction in action.

Two other power words in God’s definition of ‘faith’ are assurance and evidence. When we believe what God has told us in His Word, and act upon it with confidence, then we are using faith.

Our action based upon belief (trust, conviction)—that God’s Word is truer than anything we can see, touch or hear—is evidence that faith is present. Faith-filled action is evidence! Not the manifestation as many would think. Once the manifestation is here, faith is not longer needed. Faith is only required when the manifestation is still invisible to the natural senses.

However, to receive the promise we believe for, we must hold faith tightly in our heart until the manifestation comes. How long? Until the promise becomes visible. While we are waiting, the evidence of our faith is expressed through the actions we take and the words we speak.

We praise the Lord for the victory… while we wait. We speak in agreement with the outcome… while we wait. We continue to take action that displays what is in our heart… while we wait. Not to play word games or manipulate ourselves or someone else. But to express firm confidence (belief) that God’s Word is truer than contrary visible circumstances. If we don’t have strong confidence, then we get back to God’s word and stay in it until we are again firmly rooted in our belief.

“So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” Romans 10:17.

Think of Abraham, who had been given the promise of a son. It was impossible, in the natural realm. Both He and his wife were far too old to produce an heir. But ultimately, the promise was fulfilled, due to Abraham’s continual confidence that the promise would manifest. It was a miracle when it occurred—breaking all the natural rules. But that’s what faith does… it dominates the natural with the supernatural.

Miracles are what faith produces. Something virtually impossible in the natural, is possible with faith in God and His Word.

“But Jesus looked at them and said, “With people [as far as it depends on them] it is impossible, but with God all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26 AMP).

With God, nothing is impossible!

Dale and Paula Black



HEAVEN PROJECT: Every person is precious to God and that also means YOU. Let’s join together to reach more. Please prayerfully give today to help us reach more souls for God’s kingdom. Thank you!
     Standing on the corners of our city, we remind people that there is only ONE way to heaven—Jesus.
     The Car d’Alene event was a huge success. Many stopped to talk and we were able to share Jesus with many. Thank you for all who prayed. Your participation helped us break through every barrier to lift up Jesus. 


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Jesus said, You Must Be Born Again.


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What Others Are Saying:
    “Thank you Dale. Just what I need so much at this time. Bless you all for your wonderful faith and I thank the Lord for your leadership through these inspiring messages.” Nancy – Canada
    “Thank you Dale, I truly believe you are in tune with God. Thank you for the work you do in God’s ministry. Let us ask the Holy Spirit to continually guide us.” Mike – Minnesota

    “Bless you and Paula for your continued teaching that is Word ruled during these difficult days.  God is using you in my life in amazing ways. I am growing and stronger because of your faithfulness.” Debbie – Washington
     “Your messages continue to bless me and so often are just what I need to hear. Once again, the Holy Spirit has used you to build up my life in Jesus! Thank you and bless you!” Julian – Colorado
     “God bless you and all who help spread the wonderful work of the Lord. What awonderful blessing you are. Thank you.” Ron – Newfoundland
