This is the true story of Paula Black, author of “LIFE, CANCER and GOD.” As a wife, mother and business woman, doctors gave her just 3 to 6 months to live. That was 27 years ago.

Paula teaches at Living Faith Church in Stevenson, WA. (video quality is low resolution, but Paula’s teaching is stellar). Part of Heaven’s Viewpoint Series. Learn what God taught Paula to reverse terminal cancer. Discover God’s principles of permanent miraculous healing from Heaven. Paula’s life changing book, “Life, Cancer and God” is available at

With God, nothing is impossible!

Dale and Paula Black



Not sure you’re going to HEAVEN?
Then click on the following video link:

Jesus said, You Must Be Born Again.


ORDER YOUR COPY NOW of “Visiting Heaven: Heavenly Keys to Living a Life Without Limitations” by Capt. Dale Black, on

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,What Others Are Saying:
    “Thank you Dale. Just what I need so much at this time. Bless you all for your wonderful faith and I thank the Lord for your leadership through these inspiring messages.” Nancy – Canada

    “Thank you Dale, I truly believe you are in tune with God. Thank you for the work you do in God’s ministry. Let us ask the Holy Spirit to continually guide us.” Mike – Minnesota
    “Bless you and Paula for your continued teaching that is Word ruled during these difficult days.  God is using you in my life in amazing ways. I am growing and stronger because of your faithfulness.” Debbie – Washington
     “Your messages continue to bless me and so often are just what I need to hear. Once again, the Holy Spirit has used you to build up my life in Jesus! Thank you and bless you!” Julian – Colorado
     “God bless you and all who help spread the wonderful work of the Lord. What a wonderful blessing you are. Thank you.” Ron – Newfoundland
