Enjoy this message excerpt from Pastor Bob Joyce at Household of Faith Church (Benton, Arkansas, USA). Pastor Bob reminds us that each must pick up our cross daily and follow Jesus. Recorded during the weekly worship service, Sunday, June 5, 2022 (visit: BobJoyce.com).

Pastor Bob shares about the book “Visiting Heaven” by Capt. Dale Black, and the part that surrender plays in healing and answered prayer. (Dale Black dedicated Visiting Heaven to Pastor Bob Joyce).

With God, nothing is impossible!

Dale and Paula Black


.Not sure you’re going to HEAVEN?

Then click on the following video link:

Jesus said, You Must Be Born Again.


.Newly Released! ORDER YOUR COPY NOW! 

“Visiting Heaven: Heavenly Keys to Living a Life Without Limitations” by Capt. Dale Black, on Amazon.com.

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,What Others Are Saying:

    “Captain Dale’s heart is without a doubt in the right place. He helps us with our own salvation immensely. We are ALL going to die but before another minute goes by we MUST REPENT. Many people fail to do so and they risk losing Heaven and may have to suffer the pains of Hell forever.” – William
    “Thank you so much Dale and Paula for the clarification on the end times and what happens. It was so confusing to understand fully before. Thanks for all your hard work and faithfulness.” – Linda 
   “Amazing story of God ‘s hand moving in Dale’s life in the book “Visiting Heaven”. If you don’t believe in miracles, his story could change your mind. Dale points to one who is behind the miracles. All glory to Jesus Christ, the Father and the work of the Holy Spirit within us.” – Jeff
     “Your article: “Preparing for the Rapture” is a good solid presentation. It is more than preparing for the rapture, it is preparing for the end times where Satan’s fury against God and all that is His will be unleashed to the full. We will be need to have the full armor of God as you said to make it through victoriously until we are raptured when Jesus returns in power and glory and declares his victory. Until then the word of truth you have told us needs to be firmly in our hearts and mind and lives. Thank for your solid teaching based on the Word God has given us.” – Jacques
