This is is a great time of the year to allow the light of God to shine through you. As you go through your activities with family, friends and your work or vocation, keep in mind that there are promises from God about how He can use you. Look at the following scripture for example.In Him was Life, and the Life was the Light of men. And the Light shines on in the darkness, for the darkness has never overpowered it….”  John 1:4-5 AMP

During this season, if things around you start to look dark and you feel like evil is about to overpower you, remember this: You have the Light of the world in you!  Try as they may, all the forces of hell can’t put that light out… if you won’t allow it.

Even when you’re at your weakest, even when you feel like the light within you is small, the darkness that comes from Satan, your enemy, is no match for you. Do remember to, “Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” James 4:7

Let’s use an example. Imagine for a moment that you’re in a large auditorium that has no windows or doors to let in outside light. The place is completely black and you can’t see anything, not even your hand in front of your face. There’s nothing around you but complete darkness! Can you picture that?

Now, imagine one little firefly flying around that auditorium. If this actually happened, every eye in there would turn toward it. As small as that little light is in comparison to the great darkness around it, you would still be able to see that little light, right? The massive blackness wouldn’t be able to do a thing to shut out the light from that little that bug. Everywhere it flies, the darkness would have to yield. Darkness is always dispelled by light.

So don’t forget. You are that light because within you is The Light. When the circumstances around you begin to get black and you’re tempted to despair, remember the lightning bug. Ponder the fact that Jesus Christ, the Light of the world, is in you. Keep this in the forefront of your mind. When you see or hear of the darkness around you, don’t let the darkness in this world back you into a corner. Instead, overcome it with your light!

“For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light…” Ephesians 5:8

Let God’s love shine through you this holiday season! People everywhere need His presence and His presence should be wherever you are. And of course, keep in mind, that with God nothing is impossible.

Dale and Paula Black

Thank you partners, for helping make this message and the NEW video (below) possible.

(Watch the “Visiting Heaven: Behind the Scenes – Episode 10” Click Dale’s image near bottom).

Capt. Dale speaks to First Graders at MCA (Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa, Dec. 5, 2017)

What Others Are Saying:
  “Your video on Obedience is so nicely put. A word I needed today after being disobedient to what I knew was a wrong choice. But the word is true so I believe God will use my mistake for His glory!!” Anna G.
“God bless the work you guys are doing. You are truly inspirational Dale (and Paula). I have read your books and recommended them to others. Personally I crave for a “mountain” experience with Jesus. While your accident was horrendous, you were truly blessed with the experience you had in Paradise. I love your humility and honesty. We need more people like you in this world we live in. God Bless,
Liam M. from Ireland
  “Thank you for your loving inspiration, I am on your juice regime and seeing results every day. God bless you Paula.” Carol D.

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New Book by Dale Black, “Visiting Heaven”
is now available
 at Amazon. Click book Image to buy now. (Please help by placing a Book Review at Amazon).

Click image below to watch the “Visiting Heaven: Episode 10

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Not sure you’re going to Heaven? Watch  “Jesus said, You Must Be Born Again.” 

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aka Eagle International Church – Carlsbad, CA
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