We are entering a new year which makes it a good time to ask a power question. Are you aware that God has a unique and divine purpose for your life? Do you understand His plan for you? Understanding God’s detailed plan is imperative and effects the choices you will be making in the coming days and the near future.

Satan is real, and he has tried to rob God’s family of its purpose and goal so that the he can proceed unhindered and unrestrained. Yet, God’s plan for His children was determined even before creation. His has a divine strategy for all who are reborn and have become joint-heirs with Christ.

One of God’s primary objectives for His children during their life on this earth is to prepare the Bride for her Bridegroom. Much of this preparation involves training the Believer to take their rightful position in Heaven as a joint-heir with Jesus. It is during our life on earth that God desires to equip the Body to reign and rule throughout eternity. But for this to occur believers must learn to persevere and be adept at overcoming in the here and now.

This current day equipping of the saints, is for the purpose of fulfilling God’s eternal plan in the time to come. We must remember that this earth-life is only a brief moment in the scope of eternity. It is here, where we live in a world ruled by the enemy, that we learn to overcome. In Heaven there is no sin or deception or devil to overcome. Our spiritual muscles must be developed now.

Let’s look at Psalm 8:2-6. In verse 2 we learn that, “Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants You have ordained strength, because of Your enemies, that You may silence the enemy and the avenger.

God has chosen to use His creation, mankind, to overcome the enemy, Satan. In our human ability we are weak. But infused with the power of God we are able to dispels evil forces. Even the newest Christian can defeat and silence Satan when using God’s strength.

Looking at verse 3 we are told, “When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have ordained, what is man that You are mindful of him, and the son of man that You visit him? For You have made him a little lower than the angels, And You have crowned him with glory and honor. You have made him to have dominion over the works of Your hands; You have put all things under his feet. Psalm 8:2-6.

God has blessed His children with dominion over all creation and over the works of the enemy through Jesus Christ. We can circumvent Satan in every battle but we must use the name of Jesus and His power to defeat and hold back the works of the enemy. It is now our responsibility to fight the good fight.

Why not make 2019 a year of spiritual training… the year you decide to be an overcomer each and every day. How? By taking the Word of God and applying it to everyday events. Use His promises like a jet mechanic uses his tools. Tune your life up and increase your spiritual sensitivity.
* Spend your best hour of the day in God’s word and prayer… listening to the Lord’s still small voice.
* Consider increasing the time you spend in prayer–praying while you drive, walk, or accomplish menial tasks.
* Build your faith in God’s word and when you pray… pray with faith–knowing that God hears your prayers and will answer you.
* And let’s remember to use God’s love as a force in a fallen and lost world.

You CAN do it. Please know that we love you and are praying for you!

Dale & Paula
Let’s always remember, with God nothing is impossible.

Get your FREE DOWNLOAD: “5 Steps to Prepare for the Last Days”, available on the Home page.

*Partners and Donors you are the lifeblood of this ministry and we depend on your prayers and financial giving to keep us fulfilling the call that God has given. Thank you for all you do. 

What Others are Saying:
    “Thanks Again for all your messages. I read them and pass them on to family members so they will also be prepared. God Bless You both!!” Toni – MN
    “I would like to firstly thank God for your ministry and how powerfully He is using it. Especially in my life. Also would like to say thank you… to you, Paula and your daughter. A thank you for what you do in God’s kingdom. And APPRECIATION of what you do as missionaries. It brings tears to my eyes!!” Gawie – So. Africa
    “So glad you are acting as watchmen on the walls.” Ivan – Australia
    “Once again Dale and Paula you give me great hope. God bless you both.” Nancy – U.K.
    “My continued prayers, thoughts and love for you Dale, Paula and Kara and Dale Black Ministries. God Bless You and may you continue to prosper and spread the love of Jesus and the Gospel around the world.” Sherry – KY

*The Tree Of Life – Add your name to the TREE OF LIFE with a recurring donation of $85 per month or a one-time gift of $1,000. Together we are reaching the lost and the unchurched for the Lord Jesus. Ministering to thousands every day in 194 countries. You can help. Learn more about the Tree Of Life Project.
*If you would like to DONATE to help the gospel go forward, you can give ONLINE or by MAIL. To give online, click on the DONATE button above. If you prefer to give with Check or Money Order, please make your donation payable to: Dale Black Ministries * P.O. Box 130085, Carlsbad, CA 92013. To make a donation or place an order by phone, call: 951-526-2101 and leave a message. Someone from our volunteer staff will call you back. Thank you very much, and may God’s blessings be upon you and your family.

  • Copyright 2018
    Dale Black Ministries
    aka Eagle International Church – Carlsbad, CA
    All Rights Reserved

P.O. Box 130085

Carlsbad, CA 92013
Tel: 951-526-2101
Email: [email protected]
We’re praying for you, partners!