The Bible gives us keys to understanding the crazy things happening in our world. Across the continents, people are cringing in despair, but not us. We do not need to despair, nor should we. God has told us how to respond to the challenges around us.

Ephesians 5:1 tells us that we are to be imitators of God–and He certainly does not cringe when things become difficult. We are to act like Jesus, just as loved children imitate their father.” This means we are to follow Him and even imitate His ways. The Amplified Bible words it like this, “Therefore be imitators of God [copy Him and follow His example] as well-beloved children [imitate their father].”

I often reference the Bible by saying the “Word” or the” Word of God.” You may wish to know that there are two aspects when referring to the Word. There is the written word. Also, Jesus is the Word. God and His Word cannot be separated. They are one.  We cannot fully appropriated God’s written word without Jesus. Likewise, we cannot fully appropriate Jesus, the Messiah, without the written word. Scripture tells us… “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.” John 1:14.

This article is about making a new beginning by making the decision to become an imitator of God. This includes having peace, patience, joy, love, etc. (the fruits of the Holy Spirit) expressed through our life. It includes learning to access precious promises like: healing, having our needs met, and deliverance from the attacks of the enemy. We gain supernatural power to walk through this life–no matter how difficult–if we learn to imitate God by closely following His examples. This newsletter, if I do my job correctly, will help believers learn to endure during difficult times–an especially important quality in these last days.

Because you and I are made in the image of God, we probably take for granted things that we consistently do in our personal lives. For example, we can make for ourselves an entirely new life. If we choose to put the past behind us, and follow a path of new decisions, we can take actions toward building a different life. You’ve heard it said, the past is not your future. We not only can change by adding new things but we can also tweak or modify old things. Most of us take this for granted. But let me ask you to think about the fact that this ability comes from God Himself.

Change usually brings some stress, but change can be a good thing and a blessing when following God. He leads us into greener pastures. He matures us as we follow Him. Because being imitators of Christ will require growth, development, maturity and change. If we are to be highly blessed and effective at using the capacity that we’ve been given to CHANGE — then we do well to learn a lesson from the Creator Himself — our very own heavenly Father.

When God began making the heavens and the earth he did not just come upon creation by accident. He didn’t say something like “Well how about that. There is light,” No, God doesn’t work this way. He does not take action and hope for the best. Before He began making His universe, He first had a detailed image and a desired result. He had an inner image in His heart of what He wanted to create and then here’s how he did it. He said “Let there be light.” And the light was.

This powerful principal mentioned above, is missed by many. But it is wonderful useful in bringing God’s will into being in our lives. When we speak from a place of faith, something that God desires for us, we plant the supernatural seeds of creation. We are imitating God. This principle can be used to move from sickness to healing. It can be used to restore a broken marriage. Or to rebuild a new life after your business was crushed by the pandemic and those circumstances have left you bankrupt. Or to bring forth the conception of a child.

What is God’s desire for you. What does His WORD say? Do you have the agreement of faith of in your heart? Will you hold that faith in spite of earthly circumstances until the manifestation? If we can learn to imitate our Loving and faithful and all-powerful Father, there is victory ahead instead of defeat.

I can sorta hear some of you now saying, “Dale “you’re talking about God. Certainly you don’t expect me to act and perform like God do you?” Well, yes… I certainly DO. In fact, God’s expects this for both of us. This may be a great time to re-read the scripture. “Therefore be imitators of God [copy Him and follow His example] as well-beloved children [imitate their father].”

It’s important, I think, to provide you with a simple warning. Positive thinking is certainly better than negative thinking but eventually even positive thinking will fall flat. The capacity to transform your old life into a new life –  to live with overcoming power, comes only from God’s Holy Spirit. You obtain His power by asking for it. Daily. Ask God to FILL you with the Holy Spirit today and every day.

Go to and look at several videos about the Holy Spirit. Here is the link to the video: “The Role of the Holy Spirit by Dale Black”:

When I was finally reenrolled at Pasadena College after being the only survivor of an airplane crash, I was happy and blessed and fortunate to be alive. I was not bitter I was blessed. It was easy to have a grateful heart for life having experienced what awaits all of those who trust in Jesus God’s Son. I was growing closer to God. He had become my Abba Father an all-powerful omni -present “daddy” to me. I’m not saying my life was easy or a breeze after the experience. No such thing but my inner heart was diametrically changed.

I sill wanted to live a good life and make something of what God had spared. Of course, I was told I’d never walk again, nor use my left arm. I would not see more than light and dark from my right eye. All knew that I’d forever have trouble passing any kind of a mental test because of the inability to remember things. My back hurt beyond words. In many ways I was left as a physical disaster. Even with five plastic surgeries on my face, I never dreamed or even asked God about trying to ever look normal again. But inside, I knew that I was still, somehow someway going to overcome the obstacles and eventually become a professional jet pilot. This is somewhat of an immature goal as I think back. But I was only 19 and many many things still had to change from the inside out. It is wonderful that God uses events in life to develop us and grow us up if we’ll allow Him.

I grabbed onto the scripture that said with God nothing is impossible. I knew I was now serving a very big God. But here is what I did not even understanding how important it was for me at the time. I would get out of wheelchair (later I was on crutches) and would dress in a pilot’s uniform. I asked a friend to a pictures of me in that uniform. It wasn’t a “real” pilots uniform, but it’s all I could afford at the time. Didn’t matter. It worked.

I got copies of that photo (I still have it) and put it in several places I went to throughout the day. My bathroom. My car. Inside my flight case. Inside my college books. I did this quite secretly but I would stare at that picture of myself multiple times a day. I began getting the image of me healed and whole and successful in a trade that I’d dreamed of since childhood.

As I look back I was learning to understand God’s principles and His promises. The miraculous blended with the natural and this allowed me to see how God answers prayer for all my needs and even desires. There’s more to the understanding of these principles such as surrender and faith and how it’s all put together and these are written in detail in the books Flight to Heaven and Visiting Heaven and How God Heals.

I learned how important imitating God is. How vital it is to gain an inner IMAGE of your desired goal. I learned to never giving up on His promises. He’s the same yesterday, today and forever. And what He did for me He can do for you.

Paula learned this too when she was diagnosed with cancer. She got a photo of herself when she was doing things that represented to her the perfect place of health and life and fun. Paula used that image to hold onto in the same way I did. She out loud continually was found by me confessing God’s Holy Word. I would watch her when she wasn’t looking and she was speaking out loud with force, “I will live, I will not die. God is the same yesterday, today and forever. He is the God that healith me.”

Paula reversed this insidious cancer disease without chemo, without radiation or additional surgery. She now helps others do the same through WINNING OVER CANCER online streaming training. Her books LIFE, CANCER & GOD are essential to those struggling with cancer. DBM STORE

If you’re a born-again child of Almighty God, God has given you the principles and the power to transform your life. You CAN make permanent changes in your life and in your circumstances. You can use His power, His capacity in you to create a new life for yourself, by being imitators of God. You can overcome sickness and disease. You can use His power to know what to do when all those around you are confused. Use His power to become a New creation each and every day.

Again, think about creation. God wanted light. So He said, “Let there be light.” The words He spoke were directly related to His inner image. He used His Words to get that image from the inside to the outside. As an imitator of God, you can do similarly.

What you need to use as the basis for your inner image is this — the words you speak. Make sure you speak the Word of God. Speak His promises. Speak in alignment of His ways. The Word has supernatural power. Grow your faith by speaking His word out loud. Faith indeed does come by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Do this and watch it work for you.

With God nothing is impossible!
Dale & Paula


___________________The HEAVEN 2021 PROJECT

In these last days, people are searching for real answers to life, a purpose that satisfies, and security in their eternal destination. There has never been a better environment in the United States and the world then right now to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. People need hope. It truly IS harvest time!


Join us in Prayer & Fasting, Mondays at 12:00 noon Pacific Time every week. To learn more, go to: Humble Heart: Prayer & Fasting at Please email and let us know you are joining this powerful group of intercessors.


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P.O. Box 2841, Hayden, ID 83835.To make a donation or place an order by phone, call: 951-526-2101 and leave a message. Someone from our volunteer staff will call you back. Thank you very much, and may God’s blessings be upon you and your family.
What Others Are Saying:
  “You speak to my heart many times. I feel the truth and love in you. God bless you and much love to you and your family. With love.” – Mark
  “God bless you and your family Dale and thank you for being such an inspiration of God’s word and teachings for our salvation!” – Vesna
   “I love you and your family. Thank you for your integrity, your vulnerability and for all you’re doing for us in the body of Christ. Your wife personally called me to pray for me. How amazing! Thank you so much. God bless you and your family above all that you could ask or think. – Krystal
  “May God bless President Trump and his family. We are praying for him. Love from Melbourne Australia.” – Elena
    “Thank you Pastor Dale & Paula. May God have mercy on USA. We’re praying each day!” – Marsha

Copyright 2020 Eagle International Church
a/k/a/ Dale Black Ministries
Coeur d’Alene, ID